As of March 2019, SDGA has more than 1,000 members. SDGA plans to progressively increase its membership throughout Malaysia. Dayak graduates are scattered throughout Malaysia; holding positions in public as well as private sector organizations. Some are very successful individuals in their own respective endeavors.
By joining as a member, you get to know other members and thereupon, build up your network. Remember the age-old adage; “who you know is equally important as what you know”. Relationship building is a powerful tool for success in today’s world. When you build up a good network of relationship, it opens up new to opportunities and possibilities to you.
Through the various programs and activities organised by the association, you acquire knowledge and enhance your skills. Knowledge is a powerful tool for self-empowerment. So why hesitate to be a SDGA member?
Serve Your Community:
The Dayak communities look to you for guidance and advice as you are among the intellectuals. If not you, who else? Service to society is the rent we have to pay for our place here on earth and also to leave great legacy to the new generation. Towards the end of our life, we can sigh with relief and feel blessed that we have contributed our part to the Community.

Meeting Space Benefit:
Our SDGA Life Members are entitled to a 15% discount off the package list provided at Invent Space, a modern and contemporary meeting space, perfect for Dayak graduates to gather and share ideas, innovations, skills & knowledge. We provide meeting rooms for a wide range of business needs – equipped with quality furnishings, Wi-Fi and video conferencing equipment and services.
Travel Benefit :
Every lifetime member under the association will be registered automatically under an account for Malaysia Airlines MHbiz Pro which will entitle you attractive discounts on flight and ancillaries ( excess baggage, lounges etc).

Value Partnership Program (VPP) For Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association):
The Value Partnership Programme (VPP) from Wawasan Open University (WOU) offers SDGA members and immediate family members a 20% off published fees per enrolment. WOU is one of the 4 institutions in Malaysia that offers open distance learning (ODL). The advantage of ODL is that candidates can still work and further their study via an online module and assessment.